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Using Panopto Recorder from an AVPC

The below steps will walk you through connecting an external webcam or microphone to the AVPC in any AV room to record your session.

  1. Connect your webcam or microphone to a spare USB port on the AVPC. You can find USB ports on the AVPC monitor, on the back of some keyboards, or on the front of the PC itself.

    If you are using a webcam, it is recommended to use the AVPC monitor as this will give you the most flexibility to position the webcam where it can capture both video and audio effectively.

     If the USB ports on the AVPC monitor do not work, try the keyboard or the front of the PC and notify the IT Help Desk so the monitor can be connected.
  2. Position the camera so that it can capture your teaching position. As most webcams have limited audio range, ensure that you stay within 2m of the camera and talk in its direction. If you are using a wireless microphone with a webcam, ensure the correct microphone device is selected in Panopto.
  1. Launch Panopto Recorder by opening in a web browser. 
    Note: If Panopto Recorder is not available/installed, please consider using Panopto Capture instead.
  2. Sign in using your UniSA staff account.
  3. At the top of the page, select 'Create', and then 'Record a new session', this will launch the Panopto software, load the configuration, and sign you in.
  4. Select the sources you want Panopto to record.
    • Video, choose between your webcam and none.
    • Audio, ensure the correct microphone is selected and it is picking up sound.
    • 'Capture Computer Audio', if you are playing videos from the PC in your session, select this.
    • Secondary sources, if you are using only a PowerPoint presentation, select 'Capture PowerPoint', if you want everything on the computer recorded, select 'Capture Main Screen' (or both).

At the top of the Panopto window, you can select which folder you would like to record into.

  • If you are the course coordinator, or have been given access in Panopto by the course coodinator, you can navigate through the Courses folder and find the 'Media' folder for your course (i.e. ACCT-1001-Media), or search for it.
    This folder has been set up to allow content to be accessed by students and added to the Course Site.
  • All staff will have the option to record into their personal 'My Folder', content can easily be moved between folders later.
    NOTE: If using 'My Folder', the default permissions are restricted and you will need to change them within Panopto to give students access to content. It is recommended to use a Course Media folder.

Once everything is set up to record, you have a choice of running the session as a webcast.

  • If you would like to live-stream your session using the Panopto 'Webcast' functionality, tick the Webcast option in the top right. Once you start recording, you will get a URL at the bottom of the window which you can share for others to view the session with a 30 second delay.
  • NOTE: If using 'My Folder', the default permissions are restricted and you will need to change them within Panopto to give students access to content. It is recommended to use a Course Media folder.

Press the large 'Record' button in the top left corner to start recording.

NOTE: Ensure your session finishes uploading before logging off or shutting down your computer.