Systems up or down


How can I find out who the owner(s) is of a Distribution List (DL)?

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click on Address Book under the Home tab
    Address book
  3. Search for Distribution List
  4. Double click the name of the DL
    search for DL
  5. The person listed under Owner will be able to edit the membership of the DL. There could also be a DL listed, which means there are multiple owners of the DL you are looking at. Double click the DL under Owner: to see all owners. 
    Distribution List owner
    NOTE: If no owner is listed you will need to contact the IT Help Desk to obtain this information. Ensure you include the name and email address of the DL.
  6. Click Cancel on the DL window
  7. Click Close in the top right corner of the Address Book window
  8. Contact the owner(s) to have the DL updated accordingly

Further Assistance

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.