Power connections (plugs) must be compatible with our existing infrastructure and Australian standards.
The Data Centre’s standard is:
- (In rack) low powered equipment is IEC-C13 power sockets (Equipment plug type IEC-C14) with a maximum individual load of 1.2KW per connection.
Other options can be accommodated, but consultation with Network Services will be required in advance and additional costs may be passed on to the client.
- (In rack) medium powered equipment is IEC-C20 power socket (Equipment plug type IEC-C19) which can deliver a maximum individual load of 1.8KW per connection.
Higher powered equipment may require a direct under floor connection; this will require an Australian standard plug type, or the retro fitting of one prior to installation, the connection options is as follows:
- Standard for single phase power under floor at CW is a Clipsal 56C332 Socket (requires a 56p332 plug) with a breaker range between 20 and 32Amps.
- Standard for single phase power under floor at ML is a Clipsal Australian standard 15AMP 3 Pin Socket with a 20 Amp breaker.
- Standard for 3 phase power at CW and ML is a Clipsal 56C532 Socket (requires a 56p532 plug) with a breaker range between 20 and 32Amps.