UniSA ISTS have agreed on the following service levels to be provided by the approved suppliers to maintain uniformity and better management of IT assets.
Suppliers must provide the following services with all system purchases:
No. You must purchase any new PC, notebook/tablet or server from a UniSA Designated Hardware Supplier.
On rare occasions exceptions are made but the purchase must be approved by the Chief Information Officer or authorised delegate (see Computer System Purchase Exemption Procedures).
Multi-function devices (MFD) are the preferred method of printing in the University.
If you need to purchase an MFD or a printer please refer to Finance's Services we provide.
Ink and toner for MFDs are included free of charge within their service contract and can be obtained by contacting the preferred suppliers and quoting your serial number:
All pre-Tender printers, inks and toner requirements must be purchased from Office Supplies.
A peripheral device (hardware which is attached to a computer system (predominantly by USB), which can not function on its own e.g. mouse, keyboard, scanners, projectors, etc) can be purchased by staff via Office Supplies.
NOTE: Purchasing computer systems from an alternative source without prior permission will result in the computer systems not being able to participate on the University network.
If there are any circumstances that the Designated Hardware Suppliers cannot provide the required computer system or systems, staff are required to complete the online Supplier Exemption Form to request a Hardware supplier exemption. Each submitted request will be taken through a diligent and thorough consideration process by ISTS, which may involve a number of teams (depending on the request).
Once you have received approval for Supplier Exemption you will need to complete the online Blue Plate Form in order to be able to use the device on campus.