Systems up or down


Launching Webex for the first time

  1. Locate Webex in Start Menu or on Desktop
  2. Click/Double click to lauch Webex
  3. Enter your UniSA email address
  4. Click Next
  5. Enter your UniSA Cridentials in the UniSA Federation page
  6. Click Sign in
  7. If prompted regarding Your company has claimed your email domain:
    NOTE: Not all users will receieve this prompt.
    • A) Select Delete your original account
    • B) Click Next
  8. If you see a message asking to change your email address, this refers to a webex account that you may have setup in the past. Associate that account with an alternative or personal email address by selecting ‘Change Email’ button. After that you will be able to sign in to webex with your UniSA email address.

Further Assistance

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.