What can I see or do in the Appian app?

Appian can be accessed directly through https://bpi.unisa.edu.au/

Once you have logged in you will have access to the following sections/information:

  • Default tab when you open/log into app.
  • Lists all tasks assigned to you.
  • Selecting a task will enable you to action it.
  • If a task is overdue, a red alarm clock image will appear next to the task.

Screenshot of Tasks section of Appian

  • Currently this tab is not utilised by UniSA.
  • Allows collaboration between users.
  • Receive system and business messages.

Screenshot of News section of Appian

  • Allows access and work with all records you have permission to view, edit or manage.

Screenshot of Records section of Appian

  • Lists all the reports that you have permission to view.
  • Selecting a report displays the report’s content.

Screenshot of Reports section of Appian

  • Lists all the UniSA Forms that you have permission to complete.
  • Selecting a listed action will allow you to complete the form.

Screenshot of Actions section of Appian

Further Assistance

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.