What is UniSA SOE?

The University's Standard Operating Environment (SOE) is a recommended and supported set of standard application software for use on all desktop and notebook computers used for core teaching and learning, research and administrative functions.

The key components of the Standard Operating Environment (SOE) are:

Operating System Microsoft Windows 10/11
Office Productivity Suite

Microsoft Office 365

This includes:

  • Word Processing (Microsoft Word)
  • Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)
  • Presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint)
  • Personal Databases (Microsoft Access)
  • Email (Microsoft Outlook)
  • Calendar and Scheduling (Microsoft Outlook)
Web Browsing

Internet Explorer
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

IT Helpdesk Support


Virus Protection


Document Interchange Adobe Acrobat Reader
Ergonomic Software Wellnomics (optional by request)
VPN Big-IP VPN client

The purpose of the SOE is to maximise interoperability, increase personal productivity and reduce total cost of ownership, IT support and end user training costs. New versions of software only become part of the SOE once they have been tested and approved for use by ISTS.

Staff with specific academic or research requirements for Apple-based software can use the Apple version of the software listed above. However, interoperability with the University's corporate information systems, teaching and learning systems, portal, web and email environment is not guaranteed when using this software. ISTS is able to provide assistance to help resolve compatibility issues when accessing enterprise IT systems from an Apple device and frequently asked questions and other information is available on the website to assist staff to configure and use this software.

Further Assistance

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.