Conditions apply for the use of this University licensed software. These include:
You can install this software on a University owned computer using the Software Centre
Because the University has a limited number of Minitab licenses these are managed from a license management server. When Minitab is run, the workstation connects to the license manager server and a license is temporarily checked out from the pool of available licenses.
Devices that are not always connected to the network are able to borrow a license for a limited time. For devices that never connect to the University network you should contact the IT Help Desk for assistance.
Portable devices running Minitab need to connect to the University network in order to "borrow" a license. This will allow you to continue using Minitab without being connected to the network.
There are no work at home rights for Minitab.
If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.