All UniSA Students can see the print allowance section under My Resources on the Student Portal and will be able to top-up their print quota online via the Student Portal (myUniSA).
All print quota top-ups must be paid for up front with the minimum top-up being $5.
The ability to top-up via the Print Quota Top-up Portal requires a credit card and takes about 15 mins to apply on your account after the payment receipt email is received.
NOTE: You must wait a minimum of 15 min before you are able to use your recent top-up. If the top-up fails to update your quota balance report the problem to the IT Help Desk on (08) 8302 5000.
For step-by-step instructions (including screen-shots) and additional information please see the top-up your printing allowance page.
NOTE: You must wait a minimum of 15 min before you are able to use your recent top-up. If the top-up fails to update your quota balance report the problem to the IT Help Desk on (08) 8302 5000.
If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.