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How do I access my files saved within UniSA Student Apps on a Windows 11 PC?

NOTE: If you are on a personally owned device you will need to have setup and connected to the UniSA VPN prior to following the below.

  1. Open File Explorer
    Start menu.png
  2. Make sure you are viewing/select This PC
    NOTE: If on a UniSA owned device This PC has been renamed to <your username> on <blue plate #>
  3. Click on the ... menu (right side) OR Right Click in blank area
  4. Select Map network drive
    map drive.png

    map drive right click.png   

  5. Choose Drive letter
    NOTE: The letter selected is only a reference point and can be different on each machine you map the drive.
  6. Enter Folder path e.g., \\\userdata\<username>\documents
    NOTE: Replace <username> with your UniSA username.
  7. Ensure Reconnect on logon is ticked
    NOTE: You will also have to tick Connect using different credentials and when prompted (after clicking Finish):
    • User name = uninet\<unisa username>
    • Password = <unisa password>
  8. Click Finish
  9. When successfully mapped, the shared folder will open in a new window.

Further Assistance

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.