Only authorised staff are able to purchase new server systems, and server systems should be purchased from one of UniSA's designated suppliers. Purchasing only approved server systems from designated suppliers ensures the University receives maximum product discount and promotes standardisation of hardware across the University.
If you are not authorised to purchase server systems, please contact the IT Help Desk.
Information Strategy and Technology Services (ISTS) have established high class data centres at the Mawson Lakes and City West campuses and wish to encourage Units and departments within the University to consider hosting their equipment and infrastructure in one or both of these data centres. Each data centre provides redundant power, air-conditioning and network connectivity along with a sophisticated fire detection and suppression system. The data centres are connected via a redundant, high-speed network.
Information Strategy and Technology Services (ISTS) offer a range of data and virtual server hosting services. The services are hosted on enterprise grade infrastructure that provide a scalable, reliable and highly available solution, and are suitable for a broad range of uses such as software application hosting or as a file/print server.
If you would like to lodge Data Storage or Virtual Server request, please contact the IT Help Desk.
This full service agreement between ISTS and UniSA staff can be found on the Data Centre Hosting Agreement page.