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Managing Teams, Channels and Tabs

Team Owners can manage the structure of the Team as well as the roles of Team members and Guests.

Channels are dedicated sections to focus conversation and collaboration on a particular focus area, topic, project, initiative or location. A Team can have multiple channels to help organise your conversations and files. Channels can be created and removed by Team Owners.

Discuss names with your Team BEFORE creating a new Channel, as changing a Channel name can cause issues with OneNote Tabs/Notebooks and Document Library folder names not updating.

Naming convention

A naming convention will be applied to your Team name automatically.

  • For staff the ORG code will be added as a prefix to your name eg: "ALH_<Teamname>"
  • For students the prefix will be "Student_<Teamname>"

The Teams name should comply with existing ICT Policies and Acceptable use of Information Technology (IT) facilities

Names should contain no more than 50 characters.

Before creating a Team:

Teams can be used as a chat and meeting tool only without the need for creating a Team.

If you decide to create a Team consider the following:

  • Check with your colleagues if there is an existing team that meets your needs
  • Choose Team Owners (minimum of two required at all times to ensure somebody is always available to manage the team)
  • Decide on a Team name – this should NOT be altered once the Team is created. 
  • Develop a Team structure, eg Channels/Sections based on the projects or functions of your Team. Microsoft Teams is a collaborative tool and documents should not be stored permanently in Teams. Use existing storage location like corporate SharePoint document libraries and easily link to those within Teams for collaboration
  • Microsoft Teams is a collaborative tool and documents should only be stored in Teams during this stage. Files should be stored in an appropriate location such as a Server share or Sharepoint once they are finalised


Microsoft Teams must be used for University related activity and not for personal use.

The Team Owners will be responsible for monitoring content posted within Teams. UniSA reserves the right to remove any Team that does not adhere to the approved University policies as stated in the IT Policies and Guidelines

If you decide to create a Team consider the following:

  • Check with your collegues if there is an existing team that meets your needs
  • Choose Team Owners (minimum of two required at all times to ensure somebody is always available to manage the team)
  • Decide on a Team name – this should NOT be altered once the Team is created. Naming convention will be <ORG>_<Team name> and not more than 50 characters long
  • Develop on a Team structure, eg Channels/Sections based on the projects or functions of your Team
  • Microsoft Teams is a collaborative tool and documents should only be stored in Teams during this stage. Files should be stored in an appropriate location such as a Server share or Sharepoint once they are finalised
  1. Click on Join or create team
  2. Choose Create team
  3. You will be offered a choice of common templates. Choose the one that best suits your needs. Select Other for a more customisable template.
  4. Name your team and set the Privacy options
    Private - only team owners can add member - this should be used in most cases.
    Public - anyone in UniSA can search for and join the team. Its open to all.
    Note: Some team templates (previous step) may not offer a choice of privacy settings.
    Click Next to create the team.

Link to these instructions

Follow these instructions (Microsoft support) to change an existing team from Public to Private

Make a public team private in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support

Only Team Owners are able to add new Team members, adding a member to a Team allows them to access to all Channels and files within that Team, there are no private Channels.


  1. To add a Member or Guest, open Teams and click the appropriate Team name.
  2. Click more options (the triple dot menu next to the team name).
  3. Select Add members.
  4. Enter an individual name or enter a email distribution group to add multiple names, then click Add

Only Team Owners can remove a Team member. 

  1. To remove a guest or member, Click more options next to the team name.
  2. Select Manage team.
  3. Scroll through the list to locate the member.
  4. Mouse over the member or guest’s name and click X to the right.

A team owner can change team roles, promoting members to owners as required

  1. To change a member’s role, Click more options next to the team name in the Teams and Channels section.
  2. Select Manage team.
  3. Click on a team member’s current role to modify.
  4. Select the desired role from the dropdown menu.

Team Owners can add people outside UniSA (external users) as Guests. Use the same method as adding Team members, though adding a guest requires typing an email addresses (rather than an individual’s name.)
Note: Guest users must accept invitations using the same account that the invitations were sent to.

  1. To add a Guest, open Teams and click the appropriate Team name.
  2. Click more options (the triple dot menu next to the team name).
  3. Select Add members.
  4. Enter the guest's email address. Anyone with a business or consumer email account, such as Outlook, Gmail, or others, can join your team as a guest.
  5. After adding your guest's email address click the pencil to Edit guest information.
  6. Type in a friendly name for them.
  7. Click tick to apply
  8. Your guest will receive an email invitation from Microsoft Teams with a link to your Team.
  9. They will then need to accept the following request to trust the University of South Australia
  10. They can now logon using their Office 365 credentials or create a new Office 365 account if required.

Guests have the following access to resources:

Teams feature

External Guests

Create a channel (team owners control this ability via settings)


Join in private chats


Join in public (channel) conversations


Post, delete, and edit messages


Upload file to document library


Share a file (in SharePoint)


Share a file in a personal or public chat


Create a new team


Add apps (bots, tabs, or connectors)


View organization chart


Schedule meetings


Link to these instructions

Team owners can upload an image or logo for their Team.

To add or alter a Team logo:

  1. Click more options … next to the team name.
  2. Select Manage team.
  3. Click the pencil on top of the Team logo - When you hover over the pencil ' Change team picture' will appear.
  4. Choose an image or select Upload to choose one from your own files.
  5. Select Update.

Shared channels are very specific collaboration spaces where you can invite users from your org (UniSA) who are not part of your team and give them access only to this channel. Adding external users (non-UniSA) to a Shared channel is restricted and needs to go through a business and cyber security approval process therefore, in most cases, a Standard channel would be used for external collaboration.

  1. Click more options … next to the Team name, where the new channel is required
  2. Select Add channel
  3. Enter the name of the new channel
  4. Add a description (this is optional)
  5. Change the Privacy drop-down option to Shared - People you choose from your org
  6. Click Next
  7. Add members to the shared channel by typing their name and clicking Add
  8. Click Done

NOTE: Only the users on the team who are owners or members of the private channel can access the channel. Anyone, including guests, can be added as a member of a private channel if they are already members of the team. Each private channel has its own SharePoint site collection so they should be used sparingly.

  1. Click more options … next to the Team name, where the new channel is required
  2. Select Add channel
  3. Enter the name of the new channel
  4. Add a description (this is optional)
  5. Change the Privacy drop-down option to Private – Only accessible to a specific group of people within the team
  6. Click Next
  7. Add members to the private channel by typing their name and clicking Add
  8. Click Done

A 'Standard channel' is default channel type to use for all collaboration activities in Teams with internal or external partners when invited to the team as guests.

  1. Click more options next to the team name, where the new channel is required.
  2. Select Add channel. The default "Standard" is the option you require in most cases.
  3. Enter the name of the new channel and click Add.

Click more options … next to the name of the Channel.

  1. Select edit this channel.
  2. Edit the channel description and click save.

Editing a channel name is NOT advisable, as changing a channel name can cause issues with OneNote Tabs/Notebooks and Document Library folder names not updating.


When a channel is removed, all files and folders in OneNote and the Document Library remain intact, only the channel itself, along with any conversations are deleted. Once removed, the Channel name is ‘locked-out’ and is unable to be reused.

  1. Click more options … next to the name of the Channel to remove.
  2. Select Delete this channel.

If the channel has been accidentally removed, it can be restored by the Team Owner.

  1. Click Team name and click more options … then select Manage Team from the drop down box.
  2. Click the channels tab and click Deleted to view deleted channels.
  3. Click restore, the channel along with any conversations are restored.
  1. Click + on the tab row.
  2. Select the service, app or web page to add.
  1. Click the arrow next to the tab name.
  2. Select Remove

Team Owners can delete a particular team they are responsible for. Doing so will also:

  1. Remove the team mailbox and calendar from Exchange
  2. Delete the corresponding SharePoint site and files
  3. Delete any associated OneNote notebook, Planner plan and Power BI workspace

IT admins can restore deleted teams for up to 30 days.

To delete a team:

  1. Click more options next to the team name.
  2. Select Delete the team

Team Owners are able to delete Chat messages. To delete a message:

  1. On the message you wish to delete click on the '...' or more options menu in the top right hand corner (you may not see the menu until you hover over this area of the message)
  2. Select delete to remove the message
  3. The message will be removed. This action can be undone if required.