Or for step by step instructions (including screenshots) and the difference in access levels see granting someone else access to my whole mailbox or sub-folders/calendar page.
Or for step by step instructions (including screenshots) see how do I open another person's mailbox page.
Please complete one of the below forms depending on when the staff member last worked for UniSA:
You will need to complete the Add/Update Out of Office message on an individuals mailbox on behalf of the current UniSA staff member form.
If the staff member has a current contract with the University (even if they are on leave) they themselves need to grant you access or written approval from the Vice Chancellor needs to be sent to the IT Help Desk approving this access.
NOTE: Obtaining the staff member's login details to avoid the above procedure is in breach of IT Policies. If the IT Help Desk become aware of this the staff member's account will be disabled for security purposes and the IT security team will be advised of the incident.
Or for step by step instructions (including screenshots) and the difference in access levels see granting someone else access to send on behalf of me page.