The below are helpful step by step instructions on how to utilise OneDrive through a web browser. The below is possible anywhere you have an Internet connection. If using a personally or UniSA owned device the OneDrive App might be more appropriate for uploading, but the below are the recommended methods of sharing.
Or for step by step instructions (including screenshots) see upload file(s) page.
Or for step by step instructions (including screenshots) see drag and drop file(s) to OneDrive page.
Earlier iterations of OneDrive contained a folder called “Shared with Everyone” which provided an easy way to share files with everyone in the organisation. By default, the permissions on all items placed in this folder allow editing of files in the folder by “Everyone except external users” (and guest links can be provided for others – either on a view-only or an edit basis).
This folder is no longer a default setting so many users may not have a 'Shared with Everyone' folder in their OneDrive.
If you have this folder present in your OneDrive for Business you should check the contents to ensure that everything within the folder is appropriate to be shared with all staff and students at the University, as this is the default permissions for these items.
All of the files and folders in here are, by default, shared with all staff and students. If after reviewing this you need to change or move files to a more secure location then you can either:
Finally, you can delete the 'Shared with Everyone' folder from your OneDrive. This doesn’t affect your ability to share with everyone but minimises the risk of accidently moving files in there that are not meant to be seen by everyone.
Or for step by step instructions (including screenshots) see the 'What is the 'Shared with Everyone' folder
To check to see who you have shared your OneDrive files or folders with:
Or for step by step instructions (including screenshots) see the 'Check who I have shared content with' page
You can create a CSV file of every unique file, user, permission and link in your OneDrive. This can help you understand how sharing is being used and if any files or folders are being shared with guests.
To run the report:
The report will contain:
For more information, please refer to Microsoft's 'Report on file and folder sharing in a Sharepoint site'
Or for step by step instuctions (including screenshots) see the 'Can I run a report of my OneDrive sharing?' page
For step by step instructions (including screenshots) see sharing file immediately after successfully uploading page.
For step by step instructions (including screenshots) see share a previously uploaded file page.
OneDrive sends them an email (comes from where they click to access the file/folder.
They will be asked to log into OneDrive with their UniSA login details.
For an example of the email see the Sharing within UniSA page.
OneDrive sends them an email (comes from where they click to access the file/folder.
OneDrive will initially ask them to verify who they are before they are allowed to view the file/folder.
For an example of the email and process see the Sharing externally to UniSA page.
All emails are sent from
For further information please see the emails I receive after sharing page.
You have 3 options: